
Thursday, July 10, 2014

.455 the creativity project :: behind or under glass

our dining room is full of glass.

tables...mirrors...display cases and shelving units holding even more pieces of glass:

 wine glasses, fruit bowls, glass trinkets shaped like flowers, a wall made of glass, even the dining room table is rod iron, and you guessed


since all of it needed to be dusted (only realized when i peered through my lens)...i quickly cleaned the easiest pieces to clean, and shot those instead.
(i have a three year old. cleaning is my full-time job. no thank you to over-time)


i have no idea if it's the literary part of me that takes each theme so...literal, but as i was combing through images, instead of going with the theme as it was written...i was pulled to focus more on the subject matter as i never really shoot - glass. because of this month's challenge theme, i think i want to explore this arena a little more because it's just so darn pretty. 

i bet with the right lighting and different color glass...


*my mind is twirling with possibility*

the next photographer in our circle is one of my personal favs and personal friends, as well. 

also, her post is almost the exact the post i was going to do (from behind my car window) so i was extremely excited when i saw it. it's the perfect blend of street photography and candid portraits, both of which she excels at. she is extremely gifted at capturing the human spirit (little people especially) and this post is just another example of why.

 please visit the effervescent becky adams at and welcome her into your he(art)s like i have done mines :)

afterwards, please join us and share your own 'storytelling' themed images on the the creativity project facebook page!


  1. I love that you have so much glass around you : ).
    I LOVE that you are not about to do overtime on glass cleaning that sits in a cupboard! I agree with you! Only clean that stuff when you need to use it. Life is way to short to be inside dusting glass! Especially in the SUMMER!
    I always love coming to visit you. You are so fun.

    1. i WISH it sat in cupboard!

      this challenge made me realize that i have a dining room full of glass out in the open...and a THREE YEAR OLD! i never really even noticed as we've never had an issue...but as i was moving things around and she was trailing me foot to foot, all i could think was "please don't bump or break anything"...and the next thing i thought was "how has this thought never crossed my mind before"???

  2. I LOVE this! Maybe because I LOVE glass so much. You captured the beauty of glass that draws me to it. It's addicting to me, and I am in love with those glass flowers!

    1. oh my, how do i LOVE glass! it wasn't til this challenge, though, did i realize that i NEVER shoot it. i am going to do so more often, because my, i don't think i realized just how pretty it is when it catches light through a lens...oh IS magical, isn't it?!

  3. Wow! Love this S! You got beauty around you everyday! You made me think about taking my glass out and STOP dining of paper-cups because of my 2 and 5 year old. Love your work

    1. (thank you) i love the feeling of's one the few treasures that makes me feel dainty and pretty when "mom blues" try to sneak in on me...i rarely drink wine anymore, but i drink water out of wine glasses all day long :)

  4. I love that you shot from below! Holy moly--now I need to dust! :-)

  5. SO pretty! I love love love that blue!

  6. I really love your perspective of things! You never cease to bring a wonderful talent and eye to the table! (You see what I did there? hehe)

  7. So, so pretty. I love the goblets and the one with the made in label.

    1. i never drank out of those goblets (yet)...and, thank you ms. suzann! i kept the label on that glass because how often do you see "made in slovakia" on a label"?!

  8. You captured such beauty in the ordinary! I think we should have a bottle of wine together!!
